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Home/KB Articles/Startup Error: Pre-Backup command returned non-zero exit code 1 or timed out
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  4. Startup Error: Pre-Backup command returned non-zero exit code 1 or timed out
This error indicates that the pre-backup command (which will vary depending on the schedule, but is usually our bare metal backup script or our database backup script) failed or timed out. The default timeout is 12 hours. If the pre-backup command does not finish by then, this usually indicates that something is wrong. To find out why the pre-backup command failed, you will need to look at the appropriate log file(s). These are stored in the same folder as the backup script file (or a sub-folder). To locate the log files:
  1. Login to eSilo Backup and go to Schedule >> Edit.  Select the schedule with the error.
  2. In the window that opens, go to Advanced Options and copy the full path of the Pre-Backup Command script (example: D:\eSilo\esilo_backup_windows_server.cmd)
  3. Open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the parent folder where the script is stored (example: D:\eSilo)
  4. Here you should see the pre-backup command log files, usually named backup.log
  5. Right click on any .log file to open it in Notepad, or attach it to an email and send it to us at

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